Pet Sitters Nottingham Contact / Pricing
For more information on our Nottingham Pet Sitting services contact us in the way that suits you!
Mobile Call or text: 07979878225
Email: dean@paradisepetsitters.com
Telephone: 0115 9841845
Nottingham Dog Walking / Walkers Sorry we are full for walks
Nottingham Cat Sitting / Sitters No extra charge for more than one cat
1 visit per day, 30 minutes - £8 per visit
Nottingham Rabbit and Guinea Pig Sitting £8 per visit
1 visit per day, 30 minutes - £8 per visit
Nottingham Hamster, Gerbil, Rat and Fish
1 visit per day, 30 minutes - £8 per visit
Nottingham Bird Sitting
1 visit per day, £8 per visit
Don't see your pet here? Contact us and we will be happy to help.
We will gladly meet with all new customers, at no charge, to create a customised service to meet your needs.

Our Professional Nottingham pet sitters / dog walking offices are located in: 223 Exchange Road, West Bridgford and Whitegate Vale, Clifton Nottingham